Within the framework of the commercial policy of our company, we accept returns of products that fall exclusively in the following cases:
- Defective products with proven fault of the manufacturer
- Incorrect shipment of product from the written order given
In all cases no refund is accepted, without prior information and instruction from our company. You should inform us in advance by telephone or e-mail to info@prohart.gr, about the reason why this refund should be accepted, the quantity of products returned and the date of their purchase.
The return time shall in no case exceed one month from the date of receipt of the products.
Returns should be made exclusively with the shipping company that our company will indicate.
The company will be responsible for issuing credit notes within one month of the date of issue of the shipping slip that will accompany the return, and will be sent to your company by post.
To avoid wrongs please send your orders via our website www.prohart.gr, by e-mail to info@prohart.gr